‘Fresh perspective’ and clear discipline policies: Prince William’s new School Board members share top priorities

Three new members began terms on the Prince William County School Board at the start of 2024, and InsideNoVa recently caught up with them to talk about their priorities for the years ahead.


Erica Tredinnick, the new representative for the Brentsville District, said she plans to focus on supporting “clear discipline enforcement policies and consequences that support teachers and keep students safe.”

As for the school system at-large, Tredinnick said she hopes the School Board can tackle transportation issues, including addressing bus shortages.

Tredinnick, a mom and former Prince William County student, emphasized a need to raise academic standards for all students.

First up: The budget

Early in the new term, the School Board has primarily worked on adopting a budget and Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal 2025.

Tredinnick said she has enjoyed reviewing the two items, but she has some concerns about the Capital Improvement Plan, which is projecting a slowdown in enrollment growth in the coming years.

“I am deeply invested in advocating for a more holistic consideration of land use, growth and projected enrollment within Prince William County Schools. I have concerns about our strategic approach and believe it’s crucial to align our actions in the CIP with the Comprehensive Plan to avoid repeating past mistakes,” Tredinnick said.

One part of the proposed Capital Improvement Program that has drawn backlash from parents and community members is the potential delay in construction of the school division’s 14th high school.

Read full article (InsideNoVa): https://www.insidenova.com/headlines/fresh-perspective-and-clear-discipline-policies-prince-williams-new-school-board-members-share-top-priorities/article_a46c070e-d578-11ee-99e7-5f790dd1158d.html